A2B2 IT Services

Become a Mentor

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How to become a Mentor

Mentoring is the one-to-one or group relationship that one or more adults develop with one or more young people to help them develop and succeed. Mentoring is most effective when it’s a structured and trusting relationship that brings young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement.

The word "mentor" comes from the Greek word for "steadfast" and "enduring." Mentors are caring adults who are committed, responsible, and good listeners. You don't need any special skills, just a sincere interest in the success of our youth and a caring attitude. There are many different types of programs to suit everyone's needs and busy schedules.

Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

How Mentoring helps
Improving young people's attitudes toward their parents, peers and teachers;
Encouraging students to stay motivated and focused on their education;
Providing a positive way for young people to spend free time;
Helping young people face daily challenges; and
Offering young people opportunities to consider new career paths and acquire much-needed economic skills and knowledge.

By using your influence and resources as a decision maker, you can bring new hope to young lives through the power of mentoring. You might be surprised by how much you will benefit, as well.

Mentors understand the need to assume a number of different roles during the course of a mentoring relationship, but successful mentors also share the same basic qualities:
A sincere desire to be involved with a young person.
Respect for young people.
Active listener.
See solutions and opportunities.
Be flexible and open.

Go ahead—get started, find a mentoring opportunity today....


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