A2B2 IT Services

Become a Student

Become a Student


  • Click here to  Register.
  • Student should fill all the details in the registration page and click on complete signup button at the bottom of the registration form.
  • After this, the student gets an email(check the spam if it is in "spam" please mark it as non "spam" for future communication) at the registered email address with an activation link.
  • The Student account is finally created in the A2B2 site only when student clicks on the activation link.
  • Student can now login in A2B2 using the login/password credentials entered while registering.

Profile Fields

After registeration student may be required to fill in more details. To Access the pofile information, a student can :

  1. Login to the A2B2 site
  2. Click on View Profile link in the Login panel
  3. Click on Edit button to edit the profile.
  4. Enter all the  fields to make  your  profile  100% complete.


  • A Student can change the avatar from the edit profile section itself. The Avatar edit section can be located in the profile section. The student can simply edit the avatar, delete the avatar or upload a new avatar. Upon uploading the new avatar the student can also crop it to a fitting size.

Taking Courses

  • This section covers all the aspects of Student pursuing a course in detail. Right from browsing the course, to purchasing , completing the course, checking the results for the course and finally submitting the course and gettting a badge or certificate for the course.


  • A student can browse through all the courses through the Course directory. The course directory consists of all the courses from all the instructors. For every course,the course directory shows the Title of the course, a short description of the course, the price of the connected product for the course, the ratings, review count of the course and the total number of students which have taken the course.
  • A student can use the search bar to search for a specific course.

A student can sort the course directory. Following are options available for sorting the directory:

  1. Alphbetical : Shows the courses in Alphbetical order.
  2. Newly Created : [Default] Shows the courses in Date published order.
  3. Most Members : Shows the courses in Student count order.
  4. Highest Rated : Shows the courses in star Rating number order.

After finlaizing on a course, the student can simply click on the course name to see the course page.


  • To purchase the course a student simply needs to click on "Take the Course" button, the student is then redirect to the connected product for the course.
  • A connected product can be of One time payment type or Subscription type
  • A Student can also browse through the Products and there may be products which may offer a combination of courses.
  • Student can simply add the product to the cart and proceed with the purchase process to purchase the product.
  • After Purchasing the product, student is automatically connected to the course group and forums.

Starting a Course

  • Once the student has purchased the course, the student is eligible to take the course. If a course has Pre-Required course then the student can not start the course unless the pre-required course is finished and evaluated by the instructor.
  • Once the course has been started the student can access the course units and can access the course timeline.
  • Each unit may be connected to a Unit forums where a student can ask questions and interact with the Instructor and other students.
  • A student can also download attachments for each unit. A student can also download attachments uploaded in the group.

Completing Units

  • After the student has finished with a unit, the student can mark the unit complete.
  • To mark the unit as complete the student simply needs to click on the link at the bottom of each unit "Mark Unit complete".
  • Once the Unit is marked as complete, a green colored dot appears on the course timeline in front of the marked unit.

Taking a Quiz

  • Quizes are an integral part of A2B2. 
  • A student can simply click on the Quiz in the course timeline to being with the Quiz.
  • Upon clicking the link the student is taken to the quiz interface. The quiz page shows instructions for the quiz.
  • To start the quiz the student simply needs to click on start quiz button.
  • Once the quiz is started the timer starts running.
  • If a student drops out from the quiz, the student can join the quiz within the time allotted for the quiz. Which means the timer will keep on running even if the student is not taking the quiz.
  • The Quiz can be submitted by the student simply by clicking on the button Submit Quiz.
  • If the student does not submit the quiz and the timer counts down to Zero, the quiz is automatically submitted.
  • Once the quiz is submitted the student can check her marked answers by clicking on Check quiz results button.
  • Now student awaits for instructor to evaluate the Quiz.

Reviewing Courses

  • The course review has to be done before submitting the course.
  • To review the course the student simply has to click on Review Course button below the Course Timeline
  • The student can now review the course by rating the course our of 5 and giving his/her comments for the course.

Submitting Courses

  • Once all Units and Quizes in the course are complete
  • The student can go to course timeline and click on Finish course button the submit the course for evaluation.


  • Quiz Results
  • Once the students have submitted the quiz.
  • The Instructor evaluates the quiz and an automatic message is sent to the students with their marks from link to check the quiz scores.
  • The student can also check the quiz results in the Profile -> Courses -> Results section.
  • Course Results
  • Once the Instructor has evaluated the submitted courses and given marks to each student for course. The student recieves an automatic message and notification. The message contains the percentage student got in the course.
  • The student can check the Course percentage in the Profile -> Courses -> Stats section

Badges & Certificates

  • If the student has got course pecentage above the Badge percentage then the student gets a badge. This badge is shown in students profile.
  • If the student has got course percentage above the passing percentage then the student gets a passing certificate. This certificate is shown in the Students profile page. 
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